Hells Bells Southwest Healing Collective


A regional coalition of sx positive holistic practitioners, survivors, Sacred Weeds, and erotic laborers (formerly known as RMSWC, currently mid-restructuring)

Our Guiding Principles in Restructuring:

-Build more bridges with trafficking survivors, survival workers, Black/Indigenous/Chicano rights movements, and community members further South/living outside of major liberal metropolitan areas

-Build up community peer led whole person focused resources that center trauma informed care, holistic healing, and transformative justice approaches to problem solving

-In addition to decriminalization, work in solidarity towards other human rights approaches to structural change like health & housing equity, reparations, land back, and an end to the prison industrial complex as well as exploitative capitalist systems that addresses the myriad of factors that impact the choices and autonomy of our community members who exist at multiple intersections of oppression

-Create community pathways towards self employed and cooperative based healing and caregiving roles for those seeking alternative forms of income to embrace a new cycle of healing, sovereignty, and self determination for people disproportionately impacted by financial/labor exploitation, gender based violence, criminalization, and stigma

Interested in joining us for upcoming restructuring meetings?
Email us: hbswhc@gmail.com

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